Crys In Aotearoa

Seek wisdom in experience. Find adventure beyond your backyard. Explore.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Haere Mai!

Just in case I haven't told you yet. Three weeks from today, on November 27th 2006, I will be flying out of Vancouver and heading to New Zealand, the land of the long white cloud.


1. How long are you going for?

I have a one year working visa, and an open return ticket which is valid up to one year as well. So depending on how much I hate/love it in NZ I could be gone anywhere from two weeks to twelve months.

2. Where are you flying into?


3. Are you going with anyone?

No. Just me.

4. Where are you going to stay? What kind of work are you going to do? Where are you going to go? Who do you know there?

I've signed up with a company called S.W.A.P. They're hooking me up with my working visa, my first two nights of accommodation, an orientation, employment resources, as well as on going support system which provides services such as a mail box and internet access. I'll be staying in various hostels as I travel around. When I find a place I like and want to stay, I will get a job, find stable housing and rest my travelling shoes. I have a few contacts in NZ, mostly friends of friends, so I will be having coffee around the country with pseudo strangers of all shapes.

5. Are you CRAZY!!!?

Yes. But, also excited.

6. Can I come visit you while you are there?

YES! I welcome any and all of my friends and family anytime during my adventure. Sorry, I won't be paying for your ticket though. You know I would if I could.

Please feel free to keep track of me during my journey by reading my blog and sending me emails! I'll try to update whenever I can and look forward to hearing from all of you as well. I like knowing what you're up that creepy stalker sort of way *cough* I mean, like any good friend should.

Kia Ora! (Good Health!, in Maori)


At Nov 7, 2006, 3:24:00 PM, Blogger m0nkey said...

you deleted the very first entry? :(

Kia Sedona!


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